Studio PI_Dark Matter_Flower Power


Dark Matter is the pseudonym of illustrator, animator and NFT artist Chris Arran, Senior Lecturer of Fashion Communication at Brighton University with over 15 years experience as a successful commercial illustrator. Dark Matter is the latest evolution in an illustrious artistic career, which began with Chris creating 3D artwork for clients including MTV, Swatch and Cosmopolitan, moving into digital painting, and now embracing an innovative new technical approach.  

Dark Matter creates animated collages that are fizzing and sparkling with style, blending live action footage with animation, 3D illustration, and sharp editing, offering both animation and still imagery integrated with AR. They are driven by the universal energy that connects us all, exuding positivity and giving a voice to inclusivity and diversity. 

Dark Matter’s art is defined by the artist’s curiosity, exploring a variety of ideas including the beauty of black skin, the celebration of age, and questions about sustainability and ways to live in a more vibrant world.


Oxfam: Climate Justice

Music Video

Ivory Tower: Endemic Roots of Colonial Thinking / Wellcome Collection

Macroscopic: Endemic Roots of Colonial Thinking / Wellcome Collection


Red Hibiscus


Utopia Can Design


The Beauty of Black Skin III


Queen Bea


The Beauty of Black Skin I


Flower Power






Best in Show




Portrait of Gwyn Powell




The Beauty of Black Skin II



It’s All In Your Head








Age Positivity